Help the Cats from Home!
Here are things anyone can do to help!
1. Cut material for cage covers*
2. Fold newspapers to line traps*
3. Make feral cat shelters*
4. Host a Cat Food Drive - unopened bags of dry food and cans of regular and kitten food help feed feral and stray cats all year round!
5. Spread the word about our services by posting flyers. Click here to print or contact Abby, our Fundraising Coordinator, to get pre-printed flyers. Also, please let Abby know where you've hung them up!
*SEE BELOW for measurements and details.
In-kind donations are accepted between 10am and 2pm, Tuesday through Friday. If that isn’t convenient for you, please call us at 503-797-2606 or email cats@feralcats.com to arrange a drop-off time.
More easy ways to help from home…
It just takes a minute to connect your Fred Meyer Rewards account to give bonus donations to FCCO. And did you know you can donate your bottle refunds through BottleDrop? Plus more ideas, too! Find all the details and links here.
TRAP/CAGE COVERS (No sewing involved!)
Cut fabric into a 28" by 46" rectangle so it fully covers the trap. New or reused is fine, and any pattern on the fabric works, too. Some of the bolder ones can often be found on significant sale.
In winter months we only need FLEECE material. In summer months we use lightweight cotton.
Leftover fleece fabric can be made into "cage cozies" (only fleece, not cotton). Simply cut the fleece into approximately 12" by 6" rectangles. They'll be put in traps with cats following surgery to keep them warm.
Save your newspapers and fold them to make trap liners. You can find the instructions to fold newspaper trap liners here. Please ask your friends and neighbors to save their papers and pick them up when it is safe to do so. And, if you have a large enough cardboard box, it can be folded to make a purrfect storage box for the newspapers.
Feral cat shelters are distributed to caregivers feeding feral cats. The shelters help keep the cats warm and dry.
Here are instructions for building shelters.
Thank you!